"Leon, my son, this blog is for you
To tell you each day that I love you
From the sweet things you do, to the silly things you say
I will tell you that I love you everyday." - Love, your Mama.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween Leon!

October 31st 2012 9:58pm,
Leon the Monkey!
       We had a fun filled and exhausting day today! Today was your second Halloween! This year you dressed up as a chubby little monkey, Daddy dressed up as a Banana, and Mommy was the Cheshire Cat from Alice In Wonderland! We had so much fun trick or treating and visiting family and friends! You even got to eat some candy! You haven't learned how to say trick or treat yet, but you can say "oo oo ah ah" like a monkey! Your new favorite thing to say is "no way", which you said a lot today! Your opinionated and independent personality is beginning to show, my silly little monkey!
       Today was a long day. Mommy and Daddy are so tired now and ready to go to bed. Even though things like Halloween and trick or treating can be exhausting and a lot of work for us as parents, it is worth it to see the happy look on your face and to make fun memories like we did today. Mommy and Daddy love you so much Leon! Goodnight and sweet dreams!
Trick or Treat!?
~Love, Your Mama
p.s. Here is what Mommy looks like as the Cheshire Cat! I love face painting! :)
Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Daddy & Leon

October 30th 2012 10:01pm,
Daddy plays bass while Leon drums :)
       I love watching you with your Daddy. You are Daddy's little man. Today Daddy was playing his guitar and you wanted to make music too. Mommy got out a big bowl and a drum stick, and there you have it, instant drums! You played and kept the beat as Daddy played his guitar. Daddy loves you so much, and I can tell you love your Daddy very much as well. I love being a family, and I thank God for that every day.
       Leon, I think you have figured out how cute you are, and that we think you are the most adorable kid on the planet. You have mastered the "I'm innocent" look, and when you look up at me with that sweet little face I just can't be upset with you. You are a smart little guy, that is for sure!
I love you Leon!
~Love, your Mama


Monday, October 29, 2012

The Rainy Days Are Here

October 29th 2012 10:07pm,
Cold Rainy Days

       This rainy weather can be a real downer some days. You really wanted to go outside and play today, but with the rain and the cold outside, it is much better to stay inside. You got very bored and cranky today, so Mommy is thinking of ways to make this time of year fun, even if we can't go outside a lot. Today we had craft time. You and I played with playdough and it was a lot of fun. You loved squishing the playdough and making a mess. I never realized how much of it could get stuck under your finger nails. After playing with the playdough we got out some paper and your crayons and you drew Daddy a pretty picture. Since we live were the weather is rainy, windy and cold for most of the year I will have to get creative with ways to have fun while stuck indoors. I will also need to think of ways for you to burn all of that energy you have every day! Your favorite thing to do right now is to turn up the music loud and dance around the living room. This helps you get out all your energy and gives Mommy a workout! Even on the days I get cabin fever from being stuck in the house, I love being a stay at home mom. I won't be able to do this forever, so I will enjoy every day I get to spend with you, my Snugglebug! I love you Leon!
~Love, your Mama

Sunday, October 28, 2012


October 28th 2012 8:32pm,
Good thing we have a king size bed!
       This hilarious, and accurate, cartoon I drew represents how my bed looks most nights. Thankfully we have a king size bed, but somehow I still end up on the edge being pushed off by your little feet. You do have your own toddler bed in your room, but come 3 or 4am you end up crawling into Mommy and Daddy's bed. We don't mind your snuggly habbit though, because you won't be small forever and we love this precious time we have with you. So even though I find myself being nudged to the edge of the bed as you manage to take up more than half of the space, I love that we have our snuggle time as a family. I love you Leon!
~Love, your Mama

Saturday, October 27, 2012

I Love You My Silly Son

October 27th 2012 7:50pm,
You Make My World A Happier Place.
This afternoon you decided you wanted to wear Daddy's shirt, so he put it on you. You were very happy and ran around the house in it for a while, but it was too long and you kept tripping. You are such a silly happy kid, and you make your Mama and Daddy smile and laugh every day. You always have lots to say, you smile constantly, and you give the best hugs in the world. I was so blessed the day I became your Mommy, and I continue to be blessed every day. Now it is bed time, and you are getting sleepy. We have to be up early for church tomorrow, so it is time for snuggles and sleep. I love you my silly son.
So Sleepy
~All my love, your Mama

Friday, October 26, 2012

Mama's Baby Boy

October 26th 2012 9:39pm,
Daddy's Little Man
       As I watch you grow I see you looking up to your Daddy and I can see your desire to be just like him. When Daddy plays his guitar, you get your little guitar out and sit down beside him to play. If Daddy is eating something, you want the same thing. You even put Daddy's shoes on today all by yourself! They were so big and heavy you couldn't take a single step. It is amazing to think that one day you will fill out those shoes, and one day you will be a man. But no matter how old you get, you will always be Mama's baby boy. I love you Leon.
~Love, your Mama

Thursday, October 25, 2012

An Artistic Day

October 25th 2012 10:32pm,
I drew you Leon!
       Last year for Valentine's Day I took pictures of you in a cute little red tie and diaper. One picture in particular came out perfectly! You even posed on one knee like you were proposing! I recently came across this picture and decided I really wanted to draw it. Art has always been a form of self expression for me, as well as writing and singing; it is my outlet. I hope you find whatever it is that makes you happy and is your outlet as you grow up. Whether it is music, art, writing, sports, or another, doing what expresses who you are is so important. God has given us all talents and passions in one way or another. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."-Matthew 5:14-16
Valentine's Day 2012
~All my love, your Mama

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Sweet Son

October 24th 2012 10:56pm,
I love you more than you will ever know.

I loved you the moment I saw you
And you took my breath away
My heart was yours when first I held you
And in my heart you will always stay
Though you grow older each year you see
You will always be my little one
Forever and always to me you will be
My baby, my little love, my sweet son.
~Love, Your Mama

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Home Cooked Meals

October 23rd 2012 8:12pm,
Cheeseburger Pie
       Nothing beats a home cooked warm meal at the end of a cold day, so I decided to make cheeseburger pie, a very yummy recipe I learned from my Mama. I cut up a small slice for you and gave you a fork, then you devoured it all! I gave you a second helping and you ate it all as well! After that you kicked back and drank a full sippy cup of milk. At this moment you are sitting on the couch looking very full and content watching an episode of Blue's Clues before bedtime. I can't tell you how much I love being your Mommy. I love being home with you everyday, watching over you as you grow and learn. I love being a stay at home mom and wife, it is the best job in the world. Most days I am behind on the laundry and there are chores that need doing, but being your Mommy comes first. So the floors may need mopping, and the chores may never be caught up, but I get to be your Mama every minute of every day, and that is so worth it.
I love you Leon.
~All My Love, Your Mama

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Productive Day At Home

October 22nd 2012 11:31pm,
My Blue (turning green) Eyed Boy
       Today was another "it is too cold to go anywhere day", so we stayed home and got a few things done. I worked on cleaning your room, though now it is a disaster again, and I got some pictures and a shelf hung up in your room. I love your room, and I love that you love it too! You have a toddler bed, a little tv so you can watch movies, and more toys than you need. It is great that you have a part of the house that is your own, a place you can play, have fun and relax. Now that you are asleep in your bed, it is time for Mommy to go to bed as well. It is way past my bedtime. Goodnight Sweetpea, I love you Leon!
~Love, your Mama

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Big Boy

October 21st 2012 2:07pm,
       This morning at church you did not want to sit still during service, so we went and played in the nursery. I stayed with you and helped out since there were a lot of babies in the nursery. At snack time you sat at the table and ate with your buddy Connor. It was so adorable to see you and your friend sitting together, like big boys, eating your snacks and having a conversation only you could understand. You are such a sweet boy Leon, and I love seeing you grow and learn everyday. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful son. I love you Leon!
~Love, your Mama

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Chilly Day At Home

October 20th 2012 10:34pm,
Snuggled Up For Nap Time

       Today was one of those too-chilly-to-leave-the-house days, so we spent the day at home. To make the day productive I decided to work on some house cleaning. You tried to help by dragging a towel around the house wiping things off. Everytime I praised you by saying "Thank you Leon, you are such a good helper!" you would smile and get excited then continue "cleaning." Once the house was somewhat clean it was time for a nap. Snuggled up with your fuzzy blankets and your teddy bear you slept peacefully. Now it is bed time and you are snuggled up asleep in your bed safe and warm. Sweet dreams my little Snugglebug. I love you Leon!
~Love, your Mama

Friday, October 19, 2012

Building a Fort

October 19th 2012 8:39pm,
Instant Fun!
       Today you discovered that, along with boxes, building and playing in a "fort" is more fun than any old toy. Daddy showed you that a few chairs and a big blanket is all you need to have fun. You loved it when Daddy got in your fort with you and I chased you and played peekaboo! Making tents like these in the living room is one of my top favorite memories as a child. I love seeing you carry on the tradition, having fun and making good memories.
       It is time to snuggle and read a book, then it is bed time for you, little man. Your favorite book right now is SkippyJon Jones. You make Daddy and I read it to you everynight! Good night Sweetpea, and sweet dreams. I love you Leon!
~Love, your Mama

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Blessed Visit

October 18th 2012 9:47pm,
Visiting Our Sweet Friend Sophie
       Today Mommy went to go visit a very special and sweet friend of ours. Her name is Sophie. You went and spent the day with Grandma, while I went to go visit Sophie today with Nana and our friend Julie. Sophie and her family are very dear to us and some of the kindest people you will ever meet. Little Sophie is 3 years old and she is fighting a cancer called Lukemia. She is the sweetest and bravest girl I have ever known, and we all love her and her family very much. It was such a blessing to spend time visiting with Sophie and here mommy today. When I came back and picked you up from Grandma's house you wrapped your arms around my neck and gave me a big hug and lots of kisses. Life is so precious, so beautiful, and a gift from God. Everyday with you, my sweet baby, is a blessing. I love you with all my heart Leon.

~Love, your Mama

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


October 17th 2012 10:58pm,

       Today you and I went with your Grandma to visit your Great Grandma and Great Grandpa, a.k.a. "Grammy and Papi." It didn't take long for you to warm up to them, and soon you were running around the house laughing and playing. While we were visiting, we went with Grammy to Costco to get a few things on the shopping list. It was "cheese day" at Costco, so samples of different cheeses where being handed out all over the store. This was something you really liked, because cheese is your favorite, just like Mommy! We had such a fun day today, but now it is time for sleep. Goodnight Leon, Mama loves you so much! :)

~Love, your Mama

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Give A Kid A Box

October 16th 2012 7:11pm,
Hours of Fun!
       I gave you a box to play in today, your reaction was so cute as you climbed in, sat down and giggled. Toys are great and very fun, but nothing is better than a box you can sit in! Maybe this Christmas we will skip the toys and just get you a big box instead! Just kidding Leon, I am sure you will get some awesome new toys from Santa this year! I am very excited for Christmas this year because I know you will really enjoy it and understand more of what is going on. I can't wait to see how you will react to the tree and your presents, it will be a lot of fun! I love you Sweetpea!
~Love, your Mama

Monday, October 15, 2012

An Out of Town Day

October 15th 2012 9:06pm,
I Love You Leon!

       Daddy and I took you to see an ear doctor today. So far you have had 7 ear infections, all requiring antibiotics. Today it was decided that you will need tubes put in your ears. The thought of you having any sort of procedure done scares me as a mama, but I know it will help you feel better, and you won't have to take so many antibiotics. On a good note, you did very well on your hearing test! I am so glad your hearing has not been damaged due to all your ear infections. You did so well at your doctors appointment that you got 2 stickers from the nurse!
You LOVE Stickers!
After your appointment we went to get lunch at Wendy's. You have discovered the joy of ketchup, and now eat it on everything. You ate more ketchup than you did chicken at lunch, silly boy. Driving home you fell asleep and slept the entire way. Now we are home, and getting ready for bed. After your bath we will snuggle up and read a book. Then it is time for bed and sweet dreams. Goodnight my sweet baby. I love you Leon!
~All my love, your Mama

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday & Rain

October 14th 2012 8:18pm,
First Rain Storm of the Season
       Sunday's are great days. We get up early to go to church, sing praises to God through wonderful music, listen to the pastor's thought provoking message, go out for breakfast with family, and come home and relax. Today was a great day, but also a very rainy one. Fall is officially here and so are the rain and wind storms. Right now the house is completely quiet, you and Daddy are asleep. Sitting here typing I can hear the rush of the cold wind outside, blowing the rain even harder against the windows. I love weather like this when I am at home with a warm blanket and a hot cup of tea. Falling asleep to the lullaby of a windy rain storm is one thing I love about living on the coast. 
       I was so proud of you at church today, because I took you to the nursery so you could play with the other kids while Mommy sang and Daddy played his bass guitar for worship, and you did so well! Normally we will drop you off and you cry the whole time, but today when we came to pick you up you were playing and having fun! You are growing and learning, and I am so proud of all your accomplishments. I love you so much Leon.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby
Dream sweet dreams tonight
Let the wind rock you to sleep
In peace until the morning light.

~Love, your Mama

Saturday, October 13, 2012


October 13th 2012 10:02pm,

Today I spontaneously decided to make a Thanksgiving style dinner. We went to the store, picked out a nice 10 pound turkey and everything else needed for this yummy meal. With your Daddy's help we got the house nice and clean. Then I cooked the turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes, and of course you can't have a meal like this without cranberry sauce and turkey gravey. We invited your Nana and Papa over for dinner, and you were very happy about that. All of us sat down and ate this wonderful dinner together as a family. It was a great evening, and it ended with pumpkin pie and cool whip. After Nana and Papa went home, you took a much needed bubble bath, since during dinner you decided to put the mashed potatoes in your hair. All clean and warm you got your PJs on and snuggled up with Daddy and Mommy to read a bedtime story. We snuggled until you drifted off to sleep. A good end to a good day, sweet dreams my little Snugglebug. I love you Leon. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

When It Rains It Pours

October 12th 2012 10:12pm,
Time For Homemade Bread!
      Today it began to rain, and I realized how long it had been since the weather was like this. When we went outside to go to the grocery store you danced in the rain for the first time. Seeing that look of pure joy and excitement on your face made me smile. You are such a happy boy. I got out the bread machine and made a yummy loaf of fluffy wheat bread this afternoon. I cut a slice for you, put just a dab of butter on it and you ate the whole piece! I love the way making bread fills the whole house with the sweet aroma of a bakery. Today was a good day. I love you Sweetpea! :)
~Love, your Mama

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Big Boy

October 11th 2012 3:20pm,
Hair Cut!
Yesterday while we were at Grandma's house we decided to try and give you a little hair cut. You were very content in your high chair, watching a movie, while eating a popsicle, as well as distracted enough for us to cut your hair. Finally I can see your ears and your hair isn't in your eyes, so I think we did an ok job. Soon you will be going into a real hair salon to get your hair cut with Daddy! We will be sure to get that on camera.

Time For A Nap
After a fun morning of play and helping Mommy bake, and of course eat, chocolate chip cookies, it is now time for a nice nap. Seeing you sleeping in your toddler bed makes me realize how fast you are growing up. I cherish these days I have with you. I love you Leon.
~Love, your Mama

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Fun Day

October 10th 2012 11:44pm,
My Silly Boy
I am really late writing this today, because I just woke up! I guess I fell asleep while trying to get you to fall asleep tonight. I woke up just now and saw that it is still today, barely, so I got up to write my blog. I know, you have a silly Mommy. Now you know where you get your silliness, although I am pretty sure you get some of that from your Daddy too!
We had a fun day today. We went over to Grandma's house and watched a movie, played outside, and you even ate green beans fresh out of Grandma's garden! Good job eating your veggies! I love you my silly boy. Mommy is tired, so I will say good night for tonight. Sweet dreams Leon, my sweet baby, I love you!
~Love, your Mama
p.s. Good night. :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Little Prince

October 9th 2012 8:04pm,
Sleeping In Comfort
Leon, my little prince, you are quite spoiled at times. Today you had a hard time taking a nap, you just wanted to be snuggled. Once I got you to sleep, I wrapped you up in the comforter from Mommy and Daddy's bed, and layed you down in your own bed. Snuggled up in that nice warm blanket you slept very well. Silly little boy, I guess you just wanted to be warm and comfortable. You are spoiled with love in a good way. I love you my little prince. :)
~Love, your Mama

Monday, October 8, 2012

I Love You

October 8th 2012 10:11pm,
The sun has set, the day is done
You are tucked in bed, fast asleep
I take a moment to sit and think
Of the memories of you I keep.
It feels like just yesterday
You were born, so tiny and new
I held you close everyday
Yet so fast you changed and grew
I remember your first words
When you started to crawl
I remember your first steps
I remember them all
Each day you learn something new
You grow smarter and bigger too
But one thing will never change
And that is how much I Love You.
"And in the end three things remain, faith hope and love; and the greatest of these is love."
-1 Corinthians 13:13
~Love, your Mama

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fuzzy Blankets & Snuggles

October 7th 2012 9:53pm,
A Lazy Sunday
We made today a lazy Sunday. You are still getting better from being sick last week, and Mommy is now fighting the same cold bug. So today turned into a day of rest and a very lazy Sunday. We watched movies and snuggled, ate chicken noodle soup and took a nap. You made me smile when you gave me a big hug tonight and simply said "Mama." You make me so happy, even on these sick days. I am a blessed Mama! I love you sweet heart!
~Love, your Mama

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Home Sweet Home

October 6th 2012 10:33pm,
Being away from home all weekend was hard for me. Seeing you today made me so happy! As soon as we opened the front door and you saw me, you began jumping up and down and smiling. You gave me the biggest most welcoming home as you wrapped your little arms around my neck. I missed you so much my sweet pea, and I am so happy to be home with you now! I love you Leon! :)

~Love, your Mama

Friday, October 5, 2012

Weekend Away

October 5th 2012 11:45pm,

This morning I left for Women of Faith with your Nana, we are just now going to bed, it has been a long and fun day. And now it is time for sleep, and I find myself missing you and your Daddy. I miss your bedtime snuggles and hugs. I know you are having fun hanging out with Daddy, but I miss you both! Sweet dreams to both of you, hugs and kisses! I love you Leon!

~Love, your Mama

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Little Ears

October 4th 2012 10:10pm,
Ear Infections
It has been quite a busy day. Today you started antibiotics for your 7th ear infection. Since you have had so many we are being refered to a ear specialist. There is a big possibility you will end up needing tubes put in, but first we will meet with the specialist. Tomorrow Mommy is leaving with Nana for 2 days to go to Women of Faith. It will be my first time being away from you Leon, and I will miss you very much. I am so excited, and I know I will have fun! You and Daddy get to spend time hanging out doing boy stuff, and I know you will be safe and happy. Your Mommy and Daddy love you very much Leon! :)
Sweet dreams my sweet baby boy! I love you! *Hugs & Kisses*
~Love, your Mama

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Stay At Home Day

October 3rd 2012 9:57pm,
Helping Mommy Bake Pumpkin Bread
Fall is here, and so is cold season. You have been fighting a cold for a couple of days, and now Mommy is getting it too, making today a perfect stay at home day. Between snuggles and taking a nice nap we baked some pumpkin bread today. You had fun helping in the kitchen by taking every baking utensile out of the drawer and placing them randomly around the house. After that you were very hungry, so I made you some macaroni and cheese. You did very well eating with your fork. I am still amazed at how much you grow and learn and change before my very eyes!
Every day spent with you is precious, even the sick days. I love you with all my heart Leon! :)
~All my love, Your Mama

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy Birthday To Daddy!

October 2nd 2012 9:54pm,

Today was Daddy's 23rd birthday! We planned a suprise birthday party for him, and a suprise gift, his dream accoustic bass guitar! It was so hard to keep it all a secret, but the look on his face was so worth it! You had lots of fun helping with the party and playing with all the balloons. Your Daddy loves music and loves to play guitar. I can tell already that music will be a big part of your life as well. You love to sing and dance, play Daddy's guitars and your Papa's drums too! I love how excited you get with music, and I can't wait to see how you will grow and learn even more. Mommy and Daddy love you very much Leon!

~Love, your Mama
Here is a picture of Daddy's new guitar!
"Happy birthday! We love you!"-Karissa & Leon

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sleepy Sweetpea

October 1st 2012 11:06pm,
Finally Sleeping

I feel so bad when you don't feel good. Getting new teeth and having a cold is tough. Tonight you kept fighting sleep, but I knew eventually you would crash. Finally you grabbed your blanket and pointed to Mommy and Daddy's bed. I knew this meant you wanted to snuggle. So you layed down with Mommy and soon you were asleep. I guess when you are sick there is no better medicine than a warm cozy bed and your Mommy to hold you. That reminds me of that sweet song...
"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be." 
I love you with all my heart Leon!
~Love, your Mommy